I have talked with erin every day a minimum of 6 time a day, barring 5 days since our first date on april 4 2018
December 4th 2018
Erin had been drinking and started a conversation with Dietrich by saying, why do you hate me. This was the 3rd time she did this,
March 27th 2019
this was my plan to recovery between Erin and I, she did not meet with my kids till this summer and only once.
- Erin
I love you, more....
I’m trying to layout a plan so things can be clear how we can heal and keep our marriage. Please have grace and know this is meant with the best of intentions, don’t hear anger.. I have none. Don’t hear it’s all your fault, it’s not.
I want to love you through all this I want to be your husband, I want you to be my wife... but if we can’t meet these basics I’m afraid we will just be hurting each other and the result will be the same but with more damage.
This was written with prayer, hope, and love.- Non negotiable
Without this base we can’t move forward- Lying must stop
I need honesty, I don’t care what comes our way but I need to be able to trust you. I don’t care about smoking or croissants, but I need to know you will always tell me the truth!!
You don’t want savannah to lie to you, how has her lying effected your thoughts of her. Now you don’t trust her even if she tells you the truth.
Confess your sins to one another, know I love you, the only thing I can’t recover from is untruths.
I know this will not change overnight it’s ingrained in the subculture of your family but I believe it’s not what you want. - Honest with others
When you say that I abandoned you, and not mention you told me to not come home dose significant damage.- not show me any respect or honor.
- damaging my reputation hurts both of us.
- Sets you up as a victim and puts others (friends kids, family) against me.
- Will now require you to explain this to anyone who you have told I abandoned you. Not saying your feelings were invalid but the truth (even from Adams perspective) was I never told you I was leaving you.
- Relationship with kids repaired
It was never a secret how close I am with my kids, and I want this for your kids too. We work as a team, they have tried to open up to you and still want us to succeed. I believe you have seen them as a threat to our relationship not an asset.- Jackson has gotten the kids every other Friday so we can have time together.
- They have been supportive of us even though it meant less time with me.
Be honest with them, love them, humble yourself and apologize, ask to try again, and ask for help to not let this happen again. - Relationship with chip repaired
From before we were married we sat down (the first time you and Penelope hung out with us.) I told you how important chip is to our family and you said you understood. Chip was venerable and shared his fear that we would get married and you would push him out. You promised him that would never happen and you understand how important he is to the family.
Chip is an asset!!
He can help you understand me better then anyone. If your frustrated with me, you could text chip and he could help you understand my actions words texts...
he was willing to do anything to see us succeed.
I believe he would again if you could apologize for pushing him out, and being honest with him.
Have lunch with him. Acknowledge you have not allowed him to be a part of our family.
- Lying must stop
- Steps to repair our marriage
- Phase one
- Your parents
Have to agree to support us or be cut off
Either for us or against us.
This includes
Helping your kids in a positive way, if they are frustrated share that with us, don’t throw us under the bus. - Your kids
Progress: 100%
escaping, hiding in room, avoiding conversation, lying, disrespecting you, me, causing decision between us.
Gossiping to grandparents to complain.
Not including my kids in activities
If they don’t want the marriage to work, they might win.
It will take everyone working together to be successful. If they choose to not support us it won’t work.
I can admit they were not as involved in the beginning and we should have included them more, I had made assumptions that they knew they were important, and that was not communicated well.
Have a conversation and get there commitment to work together to try to have a better life together. They need to understand they have a role in our success. - My kids
Much like your kids
Let them know their voice matters
We need there support
We want to have a better life together
- Your parents
- Phase two
- Even ground
One Wimberley trips a year.
New experience together
Second Saturday family day at the studio?
1 small day trip a month
Game night
Road trip?
We need to have a plan to do more together no excuses - Change your name
Change your name everywhere - Bohemian
Help, understand what we do
Find ways to improve our systems
Hold a camera
Help with mail lists
News letters
Cold calls??
Anything to help us grow and be more successful - Social media
Tell our story
Go public
Be active and post about how much we love each other and how hard it is - Move back in
Determine a way to have a house that either everyone can live at or a plan so nobody feels left out.
- Even ground
- Phase three
- Wedding
Just family - New home?
Long shot - Wedding 3
People lots of people.
- Wedding
- Phase one
- Non negotiable
- Melinda & Tommy
I was very excited to join your family, Melinda you have been one of my favorite people.- Forgive me
I wish I would have had a conversation with you before we got married, in my optimism I thought you would have been happy for Erin and I and wanted us to succeed. You have known me for nearly 20 years and seen how I love my kids and my character. I only wanted to bring support to Erin and love her kids the way I love mine. (Even getting them all phones like I had for my kids) i fixed doors sinks lights, took kids to school, got donuts... done all I could to make life better for everyone. - Support
In the beginning
I remember how disappointed Gigi was with how the kids were treating me and my kids.. I had hoped you would have stepped in to help them change their actions or acknowledge their lack of support and try to help us. - Open discussion
Untruths - Grand kids
- Forgive me
- Kids
- Erin